Since November 1, 2018, I am chairman of the board of the Centre of Expertise Water Technology, which also includes Jeroen Rijnhart and Niek de Boer. I have been asked for this position from my position at NHL Stenden university. Here I am director of the Technology & Innovation academy with courses in the fields of Chemistry / Life Sciences, Engineering, Built Environment and research centres on the themes of Sustainable Plastics & Circular Plastics, Computer Vision & Data Science, Water Technology, Smart Manufacturing and Sustainable Construction . I am also a director of the Centre of Expertise GreenPac (Green Polymer Application Centre).
My background is in social and organisational psychology, for example, I have conducted research into the AIDS campaign in the Netherlands and into training of operators in the chemical industry. My experience is in various areas of higher professional education, for example I was involved in the Communication & Multimedia Design course for a long time and I was the head of the Exact Courses teacher training courses, but also the HRM staff head.
I get energy from the enthusiasm of students and staff for their profession. I think it is great to see to which special, socially relevant projects we contribute from the university. The dynamics of an environment where everyone is busy with personal and professional development appeals to me a lot.
In my spare time I like to go to the theater with my Italian husband and our two daughters, I like to take brisk walks, read a lot and I love quizzes. I think the Centre of Expertise Water Technology is a great way to ensure that we get more and more applied knowledge and more and more graduates in water technology to be able to meet the demands in the field. There is a strategic plan that I would like to work with together. It is sometimes not easy to properly connect the various partners and their interests in the CEW. Together we can do that.
At the end of 2020 I started as Location Director/ Director of Research at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (HVHL). Before that I worked for consultancy and engineering firms for almost 25 years. Of these, for almost 14 years with a well-known company: Arcadis. In recent years I have been able to fulfill two challenging management roles there, namely that of the Water Management & Green Space market group and then of the Environment Businessline. In recent years it started to itch a bit: “Am I going to do this kind of work for another 20 years or should I do something different for once?” And then the vacancy came at HVHL. A wonderful broad role, in which I can enrich myself, but in which I can also enrich study programs and therefore students. That feels like added value and that’s what I went for. And this feeling comes true. Within a month I sat around the table with the CEW several times to strengthen the cooperation and now in the role of board member.
My background is that I graduated as a Hydrologist in Wageningen. Before that I did Environmental Science at the Van Hall Institute, then still in Groningen. I get a lot of energy from setting up new collaborations and developments together. STRONG TOGETHER. I don’t think I have to explain to anyone why I like working for the CEW, given this background and wanting to go for STRONG TOGETHER. I hope to establish strong alliances with the CEW with more continuity.
I found the vacancy of Office Manager at the CEW in December 2020 on a job site; it immediately appealed to me and so I sollicitated to it. Two weeks later I could start.
As a preliminary education I did the hotel management school in Leeuwarden and after that I had various positions in the commercial sector, all of which have common ground with my work at CEW (HRM, financial and secretarial).
I get energy from “arranging and organising” in a broad and independent position. I like that I now work for an organisation with social involvement, in a setting where you have a lot to do with (international) students.
For me, pleasure in my work and nice colleagues are the most important thing and I think that should certainly work out!
Via someone I found out that the CEW was looking for someone for the secretariat and the administration. I had previously studied what the CEW does and what it stands for, and I found and still find it very interesting. So when this opportunity came, I immediately emailed my resume, I was invited for a job interview and one month later I was in my place. Because that’s what it really feels like.
Before this I worked for a technical wholesaler in the marketing department for many years. I followed an executive secretary course and after thinking about looking for a new challenge for a while, I knew I wanted to work again in a secretarial position.
I really enjoy doing different tasks. So no day is the same. I am helpful and I get energy from arranging and organising practical matters for colleagues and students.
The CEW works together with students on solving water-related issues and technology development for companies and governments. Super important, especially these days. It feels good to be part of a socially involved organisation.
I hope to learn a lot at CEW. Pleasure and satisfaction in my work are very important to me, as is good contact with nice colleagues. So far it’s going very well.
Education, technology and working with people, a unique combination that gives me energy every day. Whether it’s guiding graduates within complex projects or explaining the hows and whys of fog to primary school pupils, it doesn’t matter to me. In May 2015 I had the opportunity to be assigned from the NHL University of Applied Sciences to the CEW. I didn’t have to think long about working for a foundation that connects education and business. Initially, my role was mainly to manage the projects implemented by the CEW. We try as much as possible to involve students and lecturers from universities of applied sciences when working on these projects. With the expansion of the CEW team, my role has become more and more of a link between education and the CEW. What do I do all day? Promote the CEW within education, inspire (potential) water technology students, introduce (new) topics to the curriculum, monitor quality and adjust where necessary, and not to mention, ensure that we have enough students on board to carry out the growing number of projects.
How did I come to join the CEW? Well, that’s not such an exciting story, I fear. My brother-in-law pointed out a vacancy in the newspaper, so I sent an application letter. That resulted in an interview and ultimately in my appointment as a business developer. I studied Commercial Economics and then started working at Philips Lighting as an International Product Manager, where I was responsible for rechargeable batteries, among other things. After working for Philips for eight years, I became Marketing Manager at Donker Groen (Green Provider). In 2003 I started my own company specialising in non-chemical water purification. Those were exciting times when I did wonderful things and spent a lot of time abroad. Unfortunately, the banking crisis came half a year too early for me and I had to close down. The knowledge I acquired is now of great benefit to me at the CEW. Being able to respond to the needs of customers, meaning something to them and gaining their confidence is what motivates me. What I like about working at the CEW is that I can sell something unique and important. With a ‘salesman’, people immediately think of someone selling a product or service, but selling knowledge in collaboration with a university of applied sciences and the government is special! In my experience, this ‘new learning’ is the future: companies specify what is needed and the educational curriculum is adapted accordingly. Students will soon be working much more with real business cases instead of dry theoretical material. What I want to achieve with the CEW is that, together with the universities of applied sciences, we become the leading knowledge institute for applied research in water technology in terms of content, and that we help to shape ‘the new learning’.
When I heard that CEW would be a partner in the new project LL4WIDE (Living Labs for Water Innovation Demonstration Exchange), I asked the then director directly for more information. At the end of that talk, I decided to apply for the position of Project Manager as we considered my skills would fit perfectly. I obtained a BSc of Environmental sciences and a MSc of Water Science and Technology, both at the University of Girona (Catalonia, Spain). Later, I’ve recently obtained a PhD from the University of Twente, during my PhD thesis I developed the Blue Energy technology to further commercialisation. I like to start new things and new project (ideas), or help others enhancing their ideas. Curiosity is my main drive. CEW is highly dynamic, in terms of different projects with different durations, also the combination of young students and senior management, make an amazing atmosphere to teach and learn. I would like to increase the international relations of CEW by starting new European endeavors and also, with my background, bring some new expertise in the company to increase the excellence of our applied research work.
I am connected to the CEW via my position as a researcher at NHL-Stenden and VHL Universities of Applied Sciences. After I graduated from MSc Water Technology at Wetsus Academy, I heard via my network that there was a position available at these universities in cooperation with CEW. I liked the description of this position and decided to apply. I did my BSc of Environmental Technology at Gdansk University of Technology, in Poland and my MSc of Water Technology at Wetsus Academy/ Wageningen University. I am always happy when the work we do together with our students and colleagues contributes to solving real problems companies face, when we can contribute to the development of companies’ products. I am happy when results obtained in our research are translated into real-life applications. At CEW I get to work on various projects and explore various water technologies. I very much like the “applied” aspect of the research we do. In my work I get to learn from specialists from companies who are our clients as well as from my colleagues at CEW. I get to meet many very different people – I supervise students from all over the world. My job gives me an opportunity to do a variety of tasks, combining practical hands-on work in the laboratory and work behind a computer, doing things myself and supervising students, combining research and education. My goal is to continue developing my practical knowledge and skills of water technologies and their applications, to build my expertise in this field. I want to be a specialist who can be relied on.
I have been aware of CEW for a while now, since I have been around the Water Campus one way or another since 2015. While I was employed as a postdoctoral researcher at Wetsus in 2023, it came to my attention that CEW is searching for someone with a background in microbiology to fill in their researcher position. During an informal meeting with Jordi, he has introduced the organization to me and I was sold. The position really suited my background and my job expectations. I have obtained my BSc degree in Environmental Protection Engineering at Wrocław University of Science and Technology in Poland and my MSc in Water Technology at Wetsus Academy / Wageningen University. After graduation, I had a chance to work as a water technologist in two companies focused on decentralized drinking water and wastewater treatment. However, my interest in water research brought me back to Wetsus where I did my PhD project in collaboration with the Biomedical Engineering department at the UMCG, studying the influence of pipe materials and a nanogel coating on biofilm formation in drinking water distribution systems. After that, I remained one more year at Wetsus, exploring other biotechnology and microbiology research areas as a postdoc researcher. I really enjoy interacting with people, exchanging experiences and knowledge, learning and giving advice. I always hope that what we do in the environment- and water-related research will inspire others, especially those at the very early stages of their careers, to consider taking this direction too. In these respects, CEW has a lot to offer. The variety of multidisciplinary projects and daily tasks, interacting with companies and colleagues, supervising students, all of it creates a dynamic environment that allows continuous learning and personal growth. And the fact that the research done here results in applied sustainable solutions makes it even more attractive. I hope that working at CEW will expand my knowledge in water technology further and help me gain practical skills, so I can grow into an advisory role.
During my PhD research at Wetsus, I was approached several times by CEW asking what I wanted to do after my defence, and after a number of conversations I got here in consultation with NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (from where I was seconded). I therefore combine education at NHL Stenden/ Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences with research projects at the CEW. I studied natural sciences in Nijmegen, specialization Physical Chemistry. Then I started my PhD research at Wetsus. In collaboration with Membrane Science and Technology at the University of Twente, I spent 4 years researching oil-water separation using membranes, and in particular the interaction between oil droplets and surfaces under different conditions. I finished my PhD officially on 1 November 2018! The training of a next generation of researchers and technologists I find very beautiful, because they will play a very important role in a world in which we have to deal smarter with resources, such as water and energy. I like it when a student does an internship project with pleasure and finishes it. Nevertheless, I also get a lot of energy from motivating and helping students with whom it is a little more difficult, and the best thing is when they finally see that they can do it. And a personal thing: I enjoy finding out things that I did not know yet. If I go home every day with a bit more knowledge than what I left with that morning, I’m happy. The work is incredibly varied. Regardless of your background knowledge, you are put on projects that you may not know so much about, which offers the possibility to grow a lot yourself. In addition, it is a nice team of people where, besides working hard, the social part is also of paramount importance. Improving the connection between the university college and the CEW, shortening the lines and helping to set up even more successful collaborations is what I am aiming for at the CEW!
My Journey to CEW began in 2021 when a former colleague at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences asked if I was interested in executing a temporary task in a project where CEW was collaborating with Dutch and South African Partners to co-create and offer solutions in water education to improve water management. The task focused on creating a sustainability roadmap for living labs developed in South Africa in the context of the OKP “Bridging the water” project.
The referral to CEW is based on my background, expertise and experiences on the subject of living lab development and facilitation. With a bachelor in Environmental sciences, a master in Environmental and Energy Management, and a PhD in Industrial Design Engineeering, I am able to work in multidisciplinary projects to co-create knowledge and ideas that connect water technology to broader social and societal themes.
My activities at CEW include development of new project ideas, supervision of students, support in establishing new relationships with partners within Europe and beyond.
I get a lot of energy by executing different multistakeholder projects, supporting and guiding students in various projects and initiating new collaborations that support the development of new multidisciplinary project ideas.
My goal is to effectively connect water technology with broader social and societal topics, and contribute in making water technology a key enabling technology that connects various sectors. Additionally, I would like to work towards ensuring that water technology developments are linked to other sectors in an Energy-Water- food Nexus in different societal contexts.
While writing my PhD thesis at Wetsus and orienting on my future career, I learned about a researcher vacancy at CEW. Since working with students was a major motivation for me this position seemed like an excellent opportunity. Additionally, taking my career slowly to a more applied field seemed like progress. From a background in theoretical (astro-)physics, I decided to make the step to water technology after my masters. It was nice to see that science does not have to be far away, but can also be very tangible and practical.
I get energy from seeing the puzzle pieces of a project come together and implementing our own specialities to succeed as a team. I think CEW is a nice organisation to work for, because people from multiple disciplines come together and it is therefore an excellent opportunity to broaden my interests. I hope that with my background, I can both learn and teach a lot from/to my colleagues and make the field of water technology more successful!
At the end of my postdoc at the University of Groningen, I was looking for a job with social relevance in which I could use my biochemistry background. Nature is beautiful and inspiring to me and I have always been interested in how nature works in detail. From this curiosity I started studying chemistry with a specialisation in molecular biology & biotechnology in the master. After my studies I did PhD research on DyP-type peroxidases, enzymes that degrade water-soluble dyes. Subsequently, as a postdoc, I conducted research on the fermentative production and degradation of bioplastic PHA. During this last period I had the opportunity to supervise many students in their master project/ thesis research. Performing research together gives me energy.
A colleague at the University of Groningen, Janneke Krooneman (also a lecturer at the Wetsus Academy), drew my attention to the vacancy for a researcher at CEW. The position immediately appealed to me: to carry out applied water technology research for companies together with students. Research that can contribute to the improvement of the environment and/ or that forms a step towards a circular economy. Fortunately, I was hired and given the opportunity to contribute to this great cause. From CEW I work two days a week at Wetterskip Fryslân to be trained as a water treatment technologist and to strengthen the cooperation between CEW and Wetterskip Fryslân.
Before I started working at CEW, I worked at the province of Overijssel as a communications advisor in the area of sustainability. During my time at the province, I set up a traineeship program and mentored trainees. I really enjoyed this and wanted to do more with it. Then CEW came along. Guiding students, tackling communication challenges with them, and still working in the sustainability sector – CEW had it all! I have now been working at CEW for about two months. I work here as a Marketing and Communication advisor. I focus more on the strategic side and coordinate the communication requests within the organization. It’s a lot of fun! I want to contribute to raising CEW’s brand awareness. I also really enjoy mentoring students and look forward to providing them with a valuable (and fun) experience.