On 7 and 8 October the Wetsus Congress will take place in Leeuwarden. On the second day of this annual congress CEW and the lectorate Water Technology of Universities of Applied Science NHL Stenden and Van Hall Larenstein, will organise a parallel session named ‘The Plastic Challenge’. The programme looks like this:
The session ends with a half-hour open discussion with both business and scientific experts. You too are cordially invited to participate in this. The discussion topics will cover:
The goal of the discussion is to find a possible synergy among the topics and list important challenges which both academia and companies face currently. The outcomes of the discussion will be used in the formation of a ‘Water and Plastics Platform’, in which companies and universities of applied science can jointly develop technology in the above mentioned fields, with financial support of the Topconsortium for Knowledge and Innovation (TKI) Water.
We hereby invite you to collect and share some knowledge with us during this parallel session and, at the same time, evaluate whether the ‘Water and Plastics Platform’ initiative would fit in your scientific and company’s goals.
We are looking forward to seeing you on the 8th of October! You can register here.