In mid-February, the time has come for students Niels Schreven and Redmer de Vries to go to Durban, South Africa to work with students there to give substance to the so-called Living Labs within the “Bridging the Water” project. This means that they will work on the development of water technology.
Niels Schreven, student of Environmental Science at the HAS University of Applied Sciences in Den Bosch: “I think Redmer and I are a great team. As a process engineer, Redmer has the knowledge needed to build an installation, I know which bacteria are needed and I think I can help manage the group process. I have been to South Africa with my parents before, so I know a little about how it is there. “Redmer de Vries, Biotechnology student at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences:” Through a teacher I got the job opening for this internship. I am very interested in water technology, so I applied immediately. In other projects I have already gained experience with RO filtration, desalination and water purification with the help of micro-organisms, this experience will certainly come in handy in South Africa. ”
About Bridging the Water
The “Bridging the water: co-create to learn and experience” project, launched on February 1, 2019, is designed to reduce “water stress” for more than 12 million South African citizens in Durban and Cape Town. The project aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the South African water sector to improve water management, water services and the livelihood of citizens. The project is being carried out over a three-year period by a consortium from South Africa and the Netherlands under the leadership of Durban University of Technology and TU Delft. CEW is one of the consortium partners and contributes by, among other things, giving substance to the so-called Living Labs.